Presentations Sign-Up sheet
Sign-up to present on one of the two last classes (3 and 5 December)
In your presentations demonstrate your argument as vividly and as persuasively as you can providing solid and reliable evidence. Start by presenting the problem/puzzle/issue and clearly highlight your argument. Much like in debates make sure your argument is coherent, not self-defeating, well supported and convincing. If you offer speculation be realistic and do not make sci-fi projections or excessively conspirological statements.
Start and finish on time (3-5 minutes) leaving adequate time (2-3 min) for Q&A. There are many presentations per class, which means we have to strictly watch the time. Rehearse in advance and time your presentations. Maintain eye contact and avoid monotonous delivery. Slides are optional. Use them cautiously and only if you need to illustrate a graph/illustration/diagram. If you decide to use PPTs, please, upload them to PC in advance to save time.
Most importantly, have fun. This is not a very formal presentation. Take it easy and enjoy talking about a problem and your vision/perspective in a most eloquent way.
Good luck!