
forum, qna

forum, qna

by Amina Zaurenbek -
Number of replies: 0

1: Since I am an International Relations major, I think this course is the sole purpose why am I here. I was really curious what we would study here and what topics exactly will be unbuckled and discussed.
It was quite a mystery to me what should I do with knowledge that I will get from here. I think this course will help me narrow my job decisions. 
2: I think human rights and social issues are one of the most intriguing topics for me, because there are always both sides of the story to solve the issues, where we can't blame one or the other side for this consequences. For example, human rights there is no doubt that women and men are treated differently, however it was a cause of systematic patriarchy that effects not only our academic life, but also personal life, because of that social issues problem occur.