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Introduction to Economics GEN1704.2/ECN1101.2 L, Mussurov Altay
College of Social Sciences
Department of Economics
GEN1704.2/ECN1101.2 L, Mussurov Altay
Weeks 11-12 (Money, the Price Level and Inflation)
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 25)
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 25)
Parkin (chapter 25) - PowerPoint.ppt
link to view the file.
◄ 1) Parkin (chapter 25) - Money, the Price Level and Inflation
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Dr. Altay Mussurov (CV)
ZOOM link
Zoom (office hours)
Course glossary
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (chapter 1) - What is Economics?
Training quiz 1 (Tutorial)
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 1)
3) Mankiw (chapter 1) - ten principles of economics
4) Video lecture (additional)
5) Training quiz 1 (What is economics?)
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (chapter 2) - The Economic Problem
Training quiz 2 (Tutorial)
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 2)
3) Video lecture (additional)
4) Mankiw (chapter 3) - interdependence and the gains from trade
5) Quiz 2 (The Economic Problem)
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (chapter 3) - Demand and Supply
Training quiz 3 (Tutorial)
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 3)
3) Video lecture (additional)
4) Mankiw (chapter 4) - the market forces of supply and demand
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (chapter 4) - Elasticity
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 4)
3) Video lecture (additional)
4) Mankiw (chapter 5) - elasticity and its application
5) Training quiz 4 (Elasticity)
Chat (ask questions)
Chat (ask questions)
Midterm Exam (Group 1 and 2)
1) Parkin (chapter 5) - Efficiency and Equity
2) Nearpod presentation (chapter 5)
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 5)
3) Video lecture (additional)
4) Mankiw (chapter 7) - consumers, producers, and the efficiency of markets
5) Quiz 5 (Efficiency and Equity)
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (Chapter 7) - Markets in Action
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 7)
3) Video lecture (additional)
Quiz 6 (Macroeconomics)
Chat (ask questions)
3) Video lecture
Mankiw's Textbook
Textbook (Chapter 11)
1) Parkin (chapter 21) - Measuring GDP and Economic Growth
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 21)
3) Video lecture (GDP) - additional
3) Video lecture (Economic growth) - additional
4) Quiz 7 (Measuring GDP and Economic Growth)
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (chapter 22) - Monitoring Jobs and Inflation
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 22)
3) Video lecture (additional)
Chat (ask questions)
Chat (ask questions)
Midterm 2 (group 1)
Midterm 2 (group 2)
1) Parkin (chapter 25) - Money, the Price Level and Inflation
3) Video lecture (additional)
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (chapter 26) - The Exchange rate and the Balance of Payments
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 26)
3) Video lecture (additional)
Chat (ask questions)
1) Parkin (chapter 27) - Aggregate Supply an Aggregate Demand
2) PowerPoint presentation (chapter 27)
3) Video lecture (additional)
Chat (ask questions)
Final Exam (Fall 2021)
Final Exam (Fall 2021) - RESIT
Chat (ask questions)
3) Video lecture (additional) ►
GEN1704.2/ECN1101.2 L, Mussurov Altay
Course information
Week 1 (What is economics?)
Weeks 2-3 (The Economic Problem)
Week 3 (Demand and Supply)
Week 4 (Elasticity)
Midterm 1
Week 5 (Efficiency and Equity)
Week 6 (Markets in Action)
Week 7. Externalities
Week 8. Public Choices and Public Goods
Week 8 (Measuring GDP and Economic Growth)
Weeks 9-10 (Monitoring Jobs and Inflation)
Midterm 2
Weeks 11-12 (Money, the Price Level and Inflation)
Week 13 (The Exchange rate and the Balance of Payments)
Weeks 14-15 (Aggregate Supply an Aggregate Demand)
Final Exam