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Ethics in International Affairs IRL5538 L, Adibayeva Aigul
College of Social Sciences
Department of International Relations and Regional Studies
IRL5538 L, Adibayeva Aigul
Topic 8
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Syllabus Ethics in IA
The Prince selected capters
Arsitotle Nicomachen Etichs Book 1
Immanuel Kant on perpetual peace
Ethics review 1
Ethics review 2
Ethics and Politics 1basic review
Plato and Aristotle
Basics of ethics
Ethics Review 3
Ethical thought of the Ancient Greece
Ethical Challenges of International Relations (2)
Contemporary Just War Theory
limiting the killing in war
just war and nuclear weapons - Iran
sep double effect
sep War
Arguing About War interview to walzer(2006)
Joel H Rosenthal (Wednesday)
the welfarist approach to human rights treaties a critique
posner human welfare not human rights
convention for the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide (1)
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
US Bill of Rights (Wednesday)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Wednesday)
International covenant on civil and political rights
UN Convention against Torture
French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 1789 (Wednesday)
EU Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Moral origins and dilemmas of humanitarian intervention
Iraq Unjust War
terry nardin humanitarian intervention
Dilemmas of Humanitarian and Peace Operations
Nardin Humanitarian Imperialism
ending tyranny in iraq Teson
RtoP Rwanda
de waal darfur and the failure of r2p
The Responsibility to Protect Growing Pains or Early Promise
implementing the responsibility to protect
Implementing the Responsibility to Protect Where Expectations Meet Reality [Full Text]
bellami R2P and military intervention
just war and nuclear weapons - Iran (1)
responding to atrocities- 1
Sovereignty and politics of responsibility, pp 39-57
The history of Rwanda genocide
Chapter 17
do we owe the global poor assistance or rectification
World Poverty and Human Rights
Global Economic Policy and Human Rights
Global Economic Policy and Human Rights
singer the ethics of killer applications
Ethical Challenges of International Relations (1)
006 Asaro
Ethics, International Affairs and Western Double Standards
006 Asaro ►
IRL5538 L, Adibayeva Aigul
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9