Course Glossary
in progress
Арнайылар | А | Ә | Б | В | Г | Ғ | Д | Е | Ё | Ж | З | И | Й | К | Қ | Л | М | Н | Ң | О | Ө | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ұ | Ү | Ф | Х | Һ | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Ъ | Ы | І | Ь | Э | Ю | Я | Барлығы
A |
Angel Investor... an investor who providers equity investment to start-up businesses. | |
Assessed Valuation... the monetary worth of a property for the purposes of taxation. Total assessed valuation denotes the sum of the monetary worth of all taxable properties within a jurisdiction. | |
B |
Base Industry… also known as “export” or “primary” industries, base industries sell or export their products and services outside the community and bring new dollars into the community, increasing the total dollars that circulate within the community and that are spent on non-base industries. | |
Benchmarking… quantifiable measures of economic competitiveness and quality of life that can be collected on a regular basis. They are used to measure a region’s economic status and progress against comparable regions. | |
Bond… a certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the origi-nal investment plus interest by a specified future date. | |
Brownfields… commercial or industrial sites that are abandoned or under-utilized and have real or per-ceived environmental contamination. | |
Business Assistance Center… a one-stop center for streamlining local permitting, licensing, and fee payment processes and facilitating the decision-making processes. | |
Business Attraction… efforts by local economic development organizations to encourage firms from outside their communities to locate headquarters or other operations within their jurisdictions. | |
Business Climate… environment of a given community that is relevant to the operation of a business; usually includes tax rates, attitudes of government toward business, and availability. | |