Course glossary
During lectures you will learn new words. Using this link you are welcome to add them to our "course glossary", so that other students will be able to see them and learn. Let's make our own useful glossary and help each other to learn new words! By the way, there are already some worlds which should be familiar for you till the end of the course, try to cover them when you mill have free time.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
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Physical CapitalA tangible tool, building, machine, or other productive asset which is used to produce other goods or services. | |
PovertyA state of having inadequate income or other resources to support a household or group of households at a basic standard of living. Poverty can be measured in absolute or relative terms. | |
PreferencesAccording to neoclassical economic theory, individuals’ preferences regarding the sorts of consumer goods they most enjoy will exercise an ultimate influence on both the composition of output in the economy, and the prices paid for final products and factors of production. | |
Price LevelThe overall average level of nominal prices in the economy can be calculated, most often as a weighted average of the prices of individual goods and services (with weightings reflecting the importance of each product in overall spending or output). Price levels can be calculated for consumer spending, for wholesale trade, for producer inputs, or for any other category of production. The most common measures of the overall price level are the consumer price index and the gross domestic product deflator. | |
Primary ProductsProducts which are harvested directly from the natural environment, with minimal subsequent processing, are considered primary products. These typically include agricultural, fishing, forestry, mineral, and energy products. | |
Private EquityA form of business in which the company’s entire equity base is owned by one or a small group of individual investors. Under the private equity model, the company does not issue shares onto the stock market, and hence is not usually required to release public financial statements or comply with other securities regulations. Private equity firms are generally considered to be more ruthlessly focused on generating shorter-term cash profits from their operations than joint stock companies. | |
ProductionThe process by which human labor (or “work”) is applied, usually with the help of tools and other forms of capital, to produce useful goods or services. | |
ProfitThis is the surplus left over after a company sells its output, and pays off the cost of production (including labor costs, raw materials, and a proportional share of its capital equipment). Its calculation is. revenue – cost = profit. | |
Progressive TaxA tax is considered progressive if a larger proportionate share of its total burden falls on individuals with higher average incomes. | |