TFL2201 Materials Development and Resources in English Language Teaching (3 credits, 5 ECTS)
Prerequisites: TFL2102 Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching
This course will give students a better idea of the role of materials, including textbooks and websites, within the area of English language teaching. In this course, students will (a) have the opportunity to understand relevant theories and principles, (b) be provided with tools to investigate learners' needs, and (c) analyze, design and adapt tasks and materials for various English lessons. Because this is a theory-informed & practice-oriented course, quite a large part of class time will be used for workshops where students will work together in pairs and groups, evaluating, adapting and designing materials, and planning courses based on the needs of their future students, with the help of the instructor. It is also recommended that during the course, students spend some time looking carefully at published materials as a source of ideas on content, topics, task types, layout and design, methodology and syllabus. The final assignment for this course is in the form of a piece of professional project in materials evaluation and materials design, rather than a traditional academic essay.
- Teacher: Karina Narymbetova