College of Humanities and Education
TFL4204.2 L, Omurzakova Darina
TFL5691 L, Narymbetova Karina
TFL5691 L, Akishev Timur
TRN3302 L, Rueckert George Randolph
TRN4102.2 L, Rueckert George Randolph
TRN3301 L, Rueckert George Randolph
CLP4103 L, Hall Matthew
CLP4103 L, Grobler Herman
EPM5214.3 L, Haidar Sham
GER1301 L, Hart-Moynihan Christopher William
TFL4204.2.3 L, Narymbetova Karina
Business English
Bang College of Business
College of Social Sciences
School of Law
Learning Support Center
Sport Complex
Multimedia Technologies
General Education
Entrance Tests
Professional Development
Executive Education Center
International Office
School of Computer Science and Mathematics