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В начало
College of Social Sciences
Department of Economics
ECN3184 L, Kudebayeva Alma
Econometric Methods ECN3184 L, Kudebayeva Alma
Alma Kudebayeva
ECN3184 L, Kudebayeva Alma
Topic 1: Introduction to Econometric Methods
Topic 2: Linear Regression with One Regressor
Lab class by using STATA or Excel for Linear regression with one Regressor
Topic 3: Properties of the regression Coefficients and Hypothesis test and confidence intervals
Lab class in STATA for Chapter #2 or Topic #3
Topic 4: Multiple regression analysis
Lab class in STATA for Topic 4 or Chapter#3
Topic 5: Nonlinear Models and Transformations
Lab class in STATA for Topic 5 or chapter #4
Topic 6: Dummy Variables
Lab Class in STATA for Topic 6 or chapter #5
Topic 7: Heteroscedasticity
Lab class in STATA for Topic 7 or Chapter #7
Midterm exam #2
Topic 8: Autocorrelation and testing Normality assumptions
Final Project
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