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College of Social Sciences
Department of Economics
ECN4169 L, Madumarov Eldar
Development Economics ECN4169 L, Madumarov Eldar
Eldar Madumarov
ECN4169 L, Madumarov Eldar
Week 1: Introduction & Economics, Institutions, and Development
Week 2: Comparative Economic Development
Week 3: Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development
Week 4: Contemporary Models of Development and Underdevelopment
Week 5: Poverty, Inequality, and Development
Week 6: Population Growth and Economic Development
Week 7: Midterm Examination 1
Week 7: Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration
Week 8: Midterm Break
Week 9: Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development
Week 10: Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development
Week 11: Development Policymaking and the Roles of Market, State, and Civil Society
Week 13: International Trade Theory and Development Strategy
Week 13: Balance of Payments, Developing-Country Debt, and the Macroeconomic Stabilization Controversy
Week 14: Foreign Finance, Investment, and Aid: Controversies and Opportunities
Week 15: Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development
Week 16: Revision & FE Preparation
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