Saturday, 27 July 2024, 5:11 AM
Site: E-Learning KIMEP
Course: Business Communication MGT3201.2 L, Dostiyarova Alima (MGT3201.2 L, Dostiyarova Alima )
Glossary: Glossary

Active Listenning

Process of analyzing and evaluating what another person is saying in an effort to understand the speaker's feelings or the true meaning of the message


List of all topics to be discussed during a meeting


A group of individuals attending to a common media. They receive communication from the same source, but are not active participants and do not communicate with each other. [DP] Collection of individuals who have come together to watch or listen to someone or something, such as to listen to a speech



A technique designed to foster group productivity by encouraging interacting group members to express their ideas in a noncritical fashion


Organization characterized by hierarchical chains of command and power, each with its own separate function. The organization is governed by rules accepted by the members in order for efficient mass administration. [IRW] A formal organization with defined objectives, a hierarchy of specialized roles and systematic processes of direction and administration. Bureaucracy is found in earlier times in history, for example in administration of agricultural irrigation systems, the Roman army, the Catholic church, but it becomes most prominent in the large-scale administration of agencies of the modern state and modern business corporations. [DP]



The mutual process through which persons interpret messages in order to coordinate individual and social meanings. [AR] Human manipulation of symbols to stimulate meaning in other humans. [IRW] The proces by which a person, group, organization (the sender) transmits some type of information (the message) to another person, group, organization (the receiver). [GB] The simultaneous sharing and creating of meaning through human symbolic action. [SB]



This glossary is a work in progress, intended to help students taking the course Business Communication.  The Glossary of Business Communication covers many areas and aspects of communication, but it is by no means a complete glossary of communication. As the entries are from books representing different approaches to communication, they do not necessarily form a consistent whole. However, all entries are from widely used textbooks covering large areas of interpersonal, group, organizational, mass, and intercultural communication. The glossary is based on the following sources. Thill, J. and Bovee, C. (2016). Excellence in Business Communications. 12th Edition. Prentice Hall/Pearson Education International