Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 6:33 PM
Site: E-Learning KIMEP
Course: Ethics in International Affairs IRL4527 L, Adibayeva Aigul (IRL4527 L, Adibayeva Aigul )
Glossary: Glossary

Unanticipated problem (UP)

(Last edited: Friday, 31 July 2020, 11:02 PM)

an unexpected problem that occurs in human subjects research. Serious UPs that are related to research and suggest a greater risk of harm to subjects or others should be promptly reported to institutional review boards and other authorities.


Undue influence

(Last edited: Friday, 31 July 2020, 11:02 PM)

taking advantage of someone’s vulnerability to convince them to make a decision.



(Last edited: Friday, 31 July 2020, 11:03 PM)

An ethical theory which holds that the right thing to do is to produce the greatest balance of good/bad consequences for the greatest number of people. Act utilitarians focus on good resulting from particular actions while rule utilitarians focus on happiness resulting from following rules. Utilitarians may equate the good with happiness, satisfaction of preferences, or some other desirable outcomes. See also ConsequentialismEthical theory.